Through a unique partnership of a Shona woman from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, and an American woman from Durango, Colorado, MAKE ALL CHILDREN SMILE IN ZIMBABWE was born. Tecla Mugomba and Judy Duke met in a hotel airport and became friends through email and visits. Joining forces in September, 2003, they began by supporting orphans and families with basic needs during the AIDS crisis.
Over the years, they have constantly adapted to the needs of the most vulnerable citizens, and the two families have become very connected. Tecla is always available to help a sick child, a mother giving birth, or widows living in remote villages. She and her husband, Phanuel, have adopted one of the babies found near death, who is now their daughter. Judy supported the program for years by selling Zimbabwe crafts at various bazaars and events around Colorado.
The Duke's have visited Victoria Falls four times to see the progress of Make All Children Smile and verify that the money donated is put to good use.
Since the feeding program started at Monde School, several tourists who visited the school have provided generous financial support, which has allowed for improvements in the nutrition of the children. Now, with a Rotary grant, the students and teachers have received new desks and chairs.
Constantly evolving, finding new ways to help, Make All Children Smile is a very small, very caring non-profit making a big difference in Victoria Falls.